What YOU need to know before packing your overnight bag
We are very excited about the announcement made on the 30 July by Tourism Minister, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane when she stated that "On accommodation for leisure, cabinet has agreed to ease the restrictions for leisure travel. Currently, individuals are not allowed to leave their homes for leisure purposes, but they now are allowed to do so within the province that they live in."
Overnight Booking Regulations and Information
Overnight visitors traveling for leisure with a valid booking confirmation will be allowed entry to book selected tourism accommodation reopening from 7 August 2020. Please click here to view the list of reserve accommodation open for bookings. A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be found here.
Visitor Safety
Visitor safety remains the first priority and all overnight visitors entering the premises are subject to mandatory screening and a 5-step check-in process:
- Face masks are checked and visitors with no face masks will not be checked-in.
- Hands must be disinfected using the hand sanitizer provided.
- Temperatures will be taken. This will be unobtrusive with high regard for personal space and comfort. This is however, a necessary measure in consideration of the health and safety of yourself and others.
- The “Visitor Access Register” will be completed by a CapeNature official.
- A “Customer Screening Questionnaire” will be completed by visitors. An accompanying adult will be able to complete this questionnaire for all guests, below the age of 18. All pens and clipboards used will be sanitized before and after use.
CapeNature’s full COVID-19 Booking terms and conditions is available on the CapeNature website here (opens in new tab).
We look forward to welcoming you back into our reserves!